
Why ‘1.0’ recruitment – has long been a busted flush.

Let’s start with defining 1.0 recruitment.

Analogue in an A.I world. A wax cylinder in the face of Spotify. A lobotomy over Neuralink. You get the gist.

Most people will tell you that they had zero plans or a design to get into recruitment. ‘I just fell into it!’ they’ll declare with a smile and a shrug (go on, admit it – that’s pretty much what we do!).

The barrier of entry was criminally low and the sector, along with its reputation – paid a very heavy price.

The bad old days – and a Wild West-esque marketplace.

‘Recruitment’ as an actual ‘thing’ – is nothing new. Paying a fee to an intermediary – to find and secure the services of a Worker around for well over 100 years.

As recently as the late 1980’s -early 90’s – there was little by way of any meaningful regulation and legislation that actually had teeth.

A marketplace bereft of….

  • Conduct of Employment Businesses/Agencies Regs
  • Legal minimum wage
  • Meaningful oversight, regulatory body
  • Working Time Directive
  • Agency Workers Regulations
  • Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment Act
  • Equalities Act
  • Bribery Act


The behaviour and conduct that such an environment encouraged, incentivised and in too many scenarios, rewarded – effectively polluted aspects of the industry – that otherwise, could, should; and when ethically and professionally executed – be a force for good.

A major adjustment, correction and potential reset is underway:

Some hold the belief and there’s plenty of fairly strong data, indicators and anecdotal evidence to support the contention that; the recruitment sector is on the cusp of an existential crisis.

“For anything to survive – its rate of learning has to be greater than the changes in its environment”

There’s a reason why more recruiters are no longer enjoying the job, finding it harder than every – feeling that ‘it’s just not the same’.

Some may jump ship. But all too often, once the honeymoon is over and the upfront goodwill depleted – there’ll be the creeping realisation that it is the world – more than the job – that is becoming unrecognisable.

Five (there’re many more!) circles that need to be squared – challenges that analogue thinking is simply unequipped to resolve.

  1. The ‘job’ of a 2.0 recruiter – if it is to be done correctly; demands an entirely different skillset, education, knowledge base, mindset, philosophy and personality than the prevailing idea. Too many recruiters are talking about things, offering a service that clients and candidates no longer need and want.
  2. The ubiquitous commodity mindset default approach of; speed, price, pester, persistence – diminishes the importance of quality, expertise, value for money and let’s face it – professionalism and dignity.
  3. Sub-prime recruitment (GP counted in pennies) – can only work when the strategy demands technology and automation over people. Low paid, low skilled – going nowhere ‘modular’ jobs (easily and quickly swap one person for another) – and massive volumes and scale – that bring the ballache/hassle that can be so easily normalised - like frogs in boiling water.
  4. As the market becomes increasingly unforgiving; many recruiters are likely to be exposed as overpaid, underperforming – no longer equipped for the new landscape. Cue an epidemic of Imposter Syndrome and shape shifting and manoeuvring to jump – before they’re pushed.
  5. If you see a bandwagon – it’s already too late. When times are good and cash is flowing – why bother with innovation and investment. The so called ‘pivot’ may come too late for those who have refused to let go of the ‘good old days’ and ‘old school way’ – at the expense of acquiring some new ‘how’ and a better map to navigate the fast-changing terrain.

But there is of course, good news and a cause for much optimism.


  • There’s a BIG world out there – and the global recruitment market is vast, diverse and more importantly – growing!
  • The global Recruitment market size was valued at USD 135305.66 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.86% during the forecast period, reaching USD 213004.9 million by 2028.
  • Depending on where you do your research – there’re myriad sectors in the ascendency – in the UK, throughout Europe and Worldwide. Conversely, there’re those jobs and sectors that are pretty much dead mans shoes.
  • The Boomer recruiter generation are hanging up their pointy shoes and returning the Paco Rabanne to the sock draw amongst the Paul Smith socks – that means there’re untold opportunities for a new generation on professionalised recruiters to breakthrough – get on and up.

To embrace the new – let go of the old and whatever you do; snap out of any Stockholm Syndrome relationships - understand and go get your 2.0 client avatar.

If it looks and feel like this:

1.0: High hassle, low loyalty, low value - plays you off other needy operators, wields the Sword of Damocles, can’t pay/won’t pay.


What you’re looking for is….

2.0 High value + high loyalty + authentic and win/win collaboration + low hassle + can pay/does pay and values the partnership.

Get out, find and compete for them and defend the with your life!

“So Steve (I ask myself)– if you had your time all over again, knowing what you know now - what career path would you chose?”

“Well – it has 11 letters begins with ‘R’ and ends with ‘T’.

Go figure.”

Footnote: the Google search is real - try it and be part of changing it.