Modern Slavery Policy

This statement sets out the steps that Cubed Resourcing Ltd has taken and continues to take to ensure that modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses is not taking place within its business or supply chain, pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
We are committed to continually improving our practices and encourage the same high standards from our supply chain and other business partners. We critically assess who to engage and only partner with like-minded organisations because they recognise people should be treated with dignity and respect – these are amongst our guiding principles
Key Commitments;

Cubed Resourcing is committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.

Cubed Resourcing is committed to ensuring that its staff and any workers it supplies (directly or indirectly) are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.  Cubed Resourcing provides appropriate training and awareness information for all of its staff. In particular: 

  • Members of our Senior Leadership Team have attended the Stronger Together training in identifying and resolving concerns around modern slavery and human trafficking
  • All of our staff receive awareness-raising information around issues involving modern slavery and human trafficking, so that they can bring any concerns they have to the attention of management

The Stronger Together principles and course materials are integrated within site inductions to raise awareness so that any staff, workers or other parties are equipped to and are strongly encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions that they might have to onsite managers or via our agreed and confidential channels  

Reports surrounding these issues are taken extremely seriously by our Senior Leadership team who are committed to ensuring that all investigations shall be prompt and effective. If our investigations reveal any issues, we are committed to taking appropriate action, including but not limited to:  

  • Working with the appropriate organisations to improve standards,
  • Working with our Clients to improve standards, passing details to appropriate law enforcement bodies.

We regularly monitor our risks in this area through the use of our internal CRM and payrolling systems including:

  • Weekly payroll reports to check for duplicate bank details, addresses, contact telephone numbers, and other fields
  • Cubed Managers regularly conduct random and cause for concern welfare meetings with candidates onsite
  • Regular one to ones and PDP’s in line with onsite skills matrices

We would also recommend reading this in conjunction with our other policies, including our:

  • Whistle-blowing Policy
  • Ethical Trading Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy

As part of our ongoing effort in this area of concern, we publish a modern slavery statement on an annual basis and revisit training periodically.
Steven Street



Cubed Resourcing Ltd. is committed to developing and adopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation.

Hidden labour exploitation is exploitation of job applicants and workers by third party individuals or gangs other than the employer or labour provider. It includes forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation; payment for work-finding services and work-related exploitation such as forced use of accommodation. It is understood that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.

We are committed to continually improving our practices and encourage the same high standards from our supply chain and other business partners. We critically assess who to engage and only partner with like-minded organisations because they recognise people should be treated with dignity and respect – these are amongst our guiding principles.

Key Commitments;

Cubed Talent shall:

  • Designate appropriate managers to attend “Tackling Hidden Labour Exploitation” training and to have responsibility for developing and operating company procedures relevant to this issue.

  • Accept that job finding fees are a business cost and will not allow these to be paid by job applicants. The Company will not use any individual or organisation to source and supply workers without confirming that workers are not being charged a work finding fee.

  • Ensure that all staff responsible for directly recruiting workers are trained to be aware of issues around third-party labour exploitation and signs to look for and have signed appropriate Compliance Principles.

  • Ensure that labour sourcing, recruitment and worker placement processes are under the control of trusted and competent staff members.

  • Adopt a proactive approach to reporting suspicions of hidden worker exploitation to the Gangmasters Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) and police.

  • Provide information on tackling “Hidden Labour Exploitation” to our workforce through workplace posters, leaflets and awareness raising in the registration and introduction process.

  • Encourage workers to report cases of hidden third-party labour exploitation, provide the means to do so and investigate and act on reports appropriately.

  • Positively encourage and support employees and agency workers to report such exploitation which may be occurring within their communities.

  • Require labour providers and other organisations in the labour supply chain to adopt policies and procedures consistent with the above.

Steven Street